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John obtained a B.A degree in Biology from Cal-State Fullerton. Prompted by the death of his mother in 2005, Castagnini went on to find the “ThankGodi” publication, which focuses on methods of “equilibration” as a means to come to terms with traumatic personal events, and features well known authors John Demartini, Dr Wayne Dyer and Dr Bernie Seigel. The experiences that contributed to this approach of counselling were detailed in the documentary Discover the Gift, and on ABC’s show A View from the Bay with Spencer Christian.
Family patterns run deep. These patterns often create barriers to truly hearing and understanding one another’s positions and values. By identifying longstanding patterns and bringing the underlying emotions to balance we become able to truly hear one another and in turn create true effective communication which will inevitably result in greater trust amongst the family members and a more balanced family dynamic.
John Castagnini has helped individuals, families, corporations, and organizations transcend conflicting positions in order to effectively communicate their mission, vision, and purpose for over a decade. John has served thousands of people in dozens of countries to overcome obstacles to becoming their very best.
He is now a proud partner of the Charles Group and is excited to share his world-renowned expertise to help families in their journey to protect and grow their financial legacy over multiple generations.
John Castagnini saved my relationship with my son. I suffered a 13-year custody battle. Our son had suicidal ideations. I sold my house, liquidated my savings and went into a quarter million dollars in debt to finance the legal fees. I’d gone to therapists, energy healers and gurus. Yet, in the end my son wanted to live exclusively with his dad and blocked me from even texting him. Then I met John and committed to his equilibration training. His knowledge and expertise have enabled my son and I to enjoy the perfect mother/son relationship for now, according to our values and hearts’ truth. I am forever grateful for his help.